Kalamboukis Theodore
BSc in Mathematics, Athens University
Ph.D in Computer Science, University of Glasgow
12 Kodrigtonos str, 5th floor`
tzk AT aueb gr
+30 210 8203 575
Office Hours:
Research Interests:
Research in Information Management and especially, information retrieval, categorization and cross-lingual text retrieval.
Selected Publications:
- A. Gkanogiannis and T. Kalamboukis, An Algorithm for Text Categorization, The 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference, 20-24 July 2008, Singapore
- V. Kotsonis, T.Z. Kalamboukis, A. Ganogiannis, S. Eliakis, A Greek-English Cross Language Medical Information Retrieval System, Conference on Medical Imaging and Informatics, MIMI 2007, Beijing, LNCS, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Volume 4987/2008, Medical Imaging and Informatics, 2008, 109-117
- Using clustering to enhance text classification, Antonia Kyriakopoulou, Theodore Kalamboukis, SIGIR 2007,805-806
- Using Clustering for Text Classification, Antonia Kyriakopoulou and Theodore Kalamboukis, 17th European Conference on Machine Learning, 2006
- Improving Classification Accuracy of Hierarchical Clustering, M. Theodorakis, A.Vlachos, T. Z. Kalamboukis, 3rd Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Samos, May 2004.
Selected Projects:
- MedAS, Medical Assistance System, Cross Language Retrieval and Image retrieval, GGET, 2006.
- TIME, Tele-imaging in Medicine, EU - ASIA ICT Programme, 2005
- Joint Research and Technology Programme 2002-2005, with University of Iasi, Faculty of Computer Science, funded by General Secretariat of Research & Development.
- Study in Maturation of Electronic Services, ASEP, 2003.
- e-Lexicon, electronic dictionary of economic terms, Library of AUEB, 2002.
- DILOS, Δίγλωσσο Electronic Dictionary of economic terms with references to the origiιnal texts. Language Technology program, 1999, General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
Other Activities:
Administrator of Information and Database Systems Laboratory.
Has consulted several research programs funded by the EU, the General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
Has approved several scientific articles and projects published in international journals, member of organising committees.
Supervised doctoral and M. Sc. dissertations in Economics and Informatics.
Elected Vice-Rector of the Athens University of Economics and Business in 2001-2004 and 2004-2007.