The Department of Informatics actively participates in EU-funded as well as national research and development projects. Some of the most recent projects are listed below, in chronological order. For further details regarding the scope, the participants and the results of the projects, please visit the corresponding links.
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Research and Development Projects (2006-Today)
PRESIOUS: Predictive Digitization, Restoration and DegradatIon Assessment of Cultural Heritage Objects (2013-2016). STREP FP7 - ICT 2011 - 600533. AUEB principal investigator: G. Papaioannou.
MUSINET: Comprehensive Design and Implementation of a Networked Music Performance System (2012-2015). Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Thales Programme. AUEB principal investigator: G.C. Polyzos.
CROWN: Optimal Control of Self Organized Wireless Networks (2012-2015). Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Thales Programme. AUEB principal investigator: S. Toumpis.
Handling Uncertainty in Data Intensive Applications on a Distributed Computing Environment (2012-2015), Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Thales Programme. AUEB principal investigator: I. Milis.
ALGONOW: Αlgorithms of Today - Social Networks, Data Streaming, Resource Allocation and Power Management in Communication and Computing Systems (2012-2015). Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Thales programme. AUEB principal investigator: I. Milis.
BioASQ: A Challenge on Large-scale Biomedical Semantic Indexing and Question Answering (2012-2014). EU FP7 ICT project. AUEB principal investigator: I. Androutsopoulos.
Service Delivery over Integrated Satellite and Terrestrial Networks (2012-2013), European Space Agency. AUEB principal investigator: G.C. Polyzos
DISCO: Distributed Wireless Communications (2011-2014). Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology Thales Project. AUEB principal investigator: I. Kontoyiannis.
φSAT: The Role of Satellite in Future Internet Services (2011-2013), European Space Agency. AUEB principal investigator: G.C. Polyzos
Incentive-Based Power Control in Wireless Networks of Autonomous Entities with Various Degrees of Cooperation (2011-2013), research program “Heraklitus II” . AUEB Principal investigator: G. C. Polyzos.
E-Key-Nets: Energy-Aware Key Management in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks (2011-2012). Euro-NF Specific Joint Research Project, AUEB principal investigator: G. C. Polyzos.
COST - WiNeMO: Wireless Networking for Moving Objects (2010-2014), ICT Action IC0906, European Cooperation in Science and Technology Programme. AUEB principal investigator: V.A. Siris.
Algorithms for power management in computing environments (2010-2013), Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Heracleitus-II programme. AUEB principal investigator: I. Milis.
Natural language interaction with Semantic Web ontologies (2010-2013), National Heracleitus-II programme. AUEB principal investigator: I. Androutsopoulos.
PURSUIT: Publish-Subscribe Internet Technology (2010-2013), European Union FP7 Programme. AUEB principal investigator: G. C. Polyzos.
ARCHANGEL (2010-2013), Cell Phone as a Platform for Healthcare Award. Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA . Principal investigator: G. C. Polyzos.
Processing and Optimization of XML Web Services (2010-2013) HERACLITUS II Programme: Supporting Research Human Capital via PhD studies. AUEB principal investigator: V. Vassalos.
Matching, Mapping and Integration of Schemas and Metadata (2010-2013), HERACLITUS II Programme: Supporting Research Human Capital via PhD studies. AUEB principal investigator: V. Vassalos.
SESERV: Socio-Economic Services for European Research Projects (2010-2012). CSA FP7-2010-ICT. AUEB principal investigator: C. Courcoubetis.
ETICS: Economics and Technologies for Inter-Carrier Services (2010-2012). IP within the ICT theme of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union that contributes to the objective "Network of the Future" – EC FP7 248567. AUEB principal investigator: C. Courcoubetis.
GOVPIMIT: Governance and Privacy Implications of the "Internet of Things" (2010-2011). Euro-NF Specific Joint Research Project. AUEB principal investigator: G. C. Polyzos.
MOMO: Multi-Overlays for Multi-hOming – A wireless Mesh Network Use Case (2010-2011). Euro-nf specific joint research proposal. AUEB principal investigator: G. Stamoulis.
CVMCMC: Control Variates for Markov Chain Monte Carlo (2009-2011). Marie Curie action, programme PEOPLE: International Outgoing Fellowship (IOF). AUEB principal investigator: I. Kontoyiannis.
ASPECTS: Agile SPECTrum Security (2009-2010). Euro-NF Specific Joint Research Project, AUEB principal investigator: G. C. Polyzos.
TRILOGY: Architecting the Future Internet (2008-2011). Large Scale Integrating Project: FP7 ICT Objective 1.1 – The Network of the Future. AUEB principal investigator: C. Courcoubetis.
SmoothIT: Simple Economic Management Approaches of Overlay Traffic in Heterogeneous Internet Topologies (2008-2010), European Union, FP7-ICT-216259. AUEB principal investigator: C. Courcoubetis.
PSIRP: Publish Subscribe Internet Routing Paradigm (2008-2010), European Union FP7 Programme. AUEB principal investigator: G. C. Polyzos.
EIFFEL: Evolved Internet Future For European Leadership (2008-2010), European Union FP7 Programme (Specific Support Action). AUEB principal investigator: G. C. Polyzos.
Euro-NF: Anticipating the Network of the Future-From Theory to Design (2008-2010), European Union FP7 Programme (Network of Excellence). AUEB principal investigator: G. C. Polyzos.
INDIGO – Interaction with Personality and Dialogue Enabled Robots (2007–10). European IST project. AUEB principal investigator: I. Androutsopoulos.
BEINGRID: Business Experiments in Grid (2006-9). European Union, FP6-IST-034702. AUEB principal investigator: C. Courcoubetis.
Technical and Content Support for (2007-2008). AUEB principal investigator: V. Vassalos.
GRIDECON: Grid Economics and Business Models (2006-8). European Union, FP6-IST-033634. AUEB principal investigator: C. Courcoubetis.
End-to-End Security over Heterogeneous Mobile/Wireless Networks (2006-2008). in cooperation with Columbia University, NY, funded by the Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology, AUEB principal investigator: G. C. Polyzos.
Optimization Problems in Computer and Communication Networks: Theoretical Foundations, Design of Efficient Algorithms and Development of Experimental Software (2006-2008). Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology, PENED 2003 programme, AUEB principal investigator: I. Milis.
Combined Research in the Areas of Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, and User Modeling Aiming at the Development of Advanced Search engines for Document Collections (2006–08). Greek PENED project. AUEB principal investigator: T. Calampoukis.
Next-generation Systems for Data and Web Services Integration (2005-2008), PENED programme, 2003 (GSRT). AUEB principal investigator: V. Vassalos.
Multi-channel Personalized Delivery and Mining of News Content (2007). Partners: AUEB, AUEB principal investigator: V. Vassalos.
XENIOS: User-Robot Interaction Based on Visual Perception, Speech Processing, and Natural Language Generation for Use in Robotic Guidance Systems (2006–07). Project of the Greek «Information Society” programme. Partners: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (coordinator), Foundation of the Hellenic World, A.U.E.B., N.C.S.R. “Demokritos”, Erevnites A.E.E.E. AUEB principal investigator: I. Androutsopoulos.
Knowledge Integration from Distributed, Heterogeneous Sources (2005-2007). PYTHAGORAS ΙΙ programme. AUEB principal investigator: V. Vassalos.
Mobile Services (2004-2006), research program “Pythagoras”. AUEB principal investigator: G. C. Polyzos.
Mobile Multimedia Communications (2003-2006), research program “Heraklitus”. AUEB principal investigator: G. C. Polyzos.