

Head of each Department is the Chairman and the  Vice Chairman who are elected biannually. For years 2009-2011 Chairman of the Informatics Department is Professor Apostolopoulos Theodoros. The superior governing body of each Department is the General Assembly which is composed by all members of the Department's Academic Professors, along with representatives of all members from the Academic community and  the University’s students.


Chairman of the Department 

Professor Apostolopoulos Theodoros

Tel.: +30 210 8203 234


Secretariat of the Department

Mr. Christos Sakellariou

Tel.: +30 210 8203 314



The Department's Sectors 

Since 2003, the Informatics Department is divided in three (3) Sectors. Each Sector assembles the personnel of the Department that occupies with a group of relevant cognitive fields in Informatics.
Each Sector has an Administrator that is elected annually, and is managed by the General Assembly of the Sector. There, participate representatives of all members of the Sector, as well as, representatives of students of this Department.