Vassalos Paraskevas
Assistant Professor
Bachelor in Mathematics, University of Athens
Master and Doctor of Science in Computational Mathematics and Informatics, University of Ioannina
Main Building, Antoniadou Wing, 5th floor
pvassal AT aueb gr
+ 30 210-8203-453
Office Hours:
Research Interests:
- Numeric solving linear systems with structured table rates
- Signal-image reconstruction
- Stochastic tables almost in Toeplitz form
- Numerical solution of ordinary partial differential equations
Doctoral Dissertation: "Toeplitz systems Numerical solution", University of Ioannina, 2003.
Master Thesis: "Toeplitz systems numerical solution", University of Ioannina, 1998.
Selected Publications:
- D. Noutsos, S. Serra Capizzano and P. Vassalos, "Spectral analysis of the matrix coming from the discretization of semi-elliptic Differential Equations", Linear Algebra Appl. Vol 428(2008), pp. 600-624.
- D. Noutsos and P. Vassalos, "Superlinear Convergence for PCG using algebras plus band Toeplitz preconditioners", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol 56 (2008), pp. 1255-1270}.
- D. Noutsos, S. Serra Capizzano and P. Vassalos "Block Band Toeplitz preconditioners derived from generating function approximation", Numerische Mathematik, Vol 104 (2006), pp. 339-376 .
- D. Noutsos, S. Serra Capizzano and P. Vassalos, "Two level Toeplitz preconditioning: Approximation results for matrices and functions", SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol 28 (2006), pp. 439-458.
- D. Noutsos, S. Serra Capizzano and P. Vassalos, "Preconditioning techniques for ill-conditioned symmetric Block Toeplitz systems", Numerical Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 12 (2005), pp.231-239.
- D. Noutsos, S. Serra Capizzano and P. Vassalos, "Matrix algebra preconditioners for multilevel Toeplitz systems do not get Superlinear convergence", Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 315 (2004), pp. 557-579.
- D. Noutsos and P. Vassalos, "New Band Toeplitz Preconditioners for ill-conditioned symmetric positive definite systems", SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. Vol. 23(2002), pp 728-743.